Unit 101 No 48, W nahid st Africa Blvd, Tehran - IRAN
Phone number
(+98 21 ) 28733104 (+98 ) 9029436228
Hours of work
Saturday to Wednesday 8 to 16
U55 2 - About Us

About Us


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Activity history

Kian Arjan Company is the first and largest manufacturer of sulfur-coated urea fertilizer in the Middle East and has a patent for this product in Iran. In 2012, Iranian scientists succeeded in obtaining the formula for producing sulfur-coated urea fertilizer in accordance with international standards, and Iran's name was registered as the sixth producer of sulfur-coated urea fertilizer in the world.

S.CU is a fertilizer that is produced by encapsulating urea with soil-appropriate elements such as sulfur, sealant, which itself consists of several different elements, and the nutrient content of urea fertilizer according to its special formulation. In a period of 40 days and according to its slow release property, the most obvious property of which is fertilizer, it provides 100% to the plant slowly. The absorption rate of nutrients in fertilizers can be optimized chemically by reducing their solubility or physically by covering the fertilizers.



Mr Jafarzadeh

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