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U55 2 - Urea fertilizer with sulfur coating produced in Kian Arjan company

Urea fertilizer with sulfur coating produced in Kian Arjan company

30 July 2024 166 Views No Comments
scu 1024x683 - Urea fertilizer with sulfur coating produced in Kian Arjan company

Urea fertilizer with sulfur coating (S.C.U) produced in Kian Argen Company is a fertilizer that is produced by encapsulating urea with soil elements from sulfur sealant (Sealant), which itself consists of several different elements, and the nutrient content of the fertilizer becomes According to its special formulation, urea is slowly and 100% available to the plant in a period of 40 days and due to its slow release property, the most obvious feature of which is fertilizer. The amount of absorption of nutrients in fertilizers can be demonstrated chemically by their solubility or chemically by covering the fertilizers. In this case, the amount of fertilizer consumption is reduced to one third compared to uncoated urea fertilizer, which will only result in an important economy for farmers. Urea fertilizer with sulfur coating saves 70% of fertilizer consumption and reduces labor costs for spraying fertilizer, and it is one of the well-known sources of nitrogen supply needed by plants in the rainy regions of the world.

– The passage of time increases the amount of use for sulfur-coated urea (S.C.U.) fertilizer, the reason for which is the following advantage:
• Sulfur coating increases the plant’s access to nitrogen.
• Sulfur coating increases the resistance of the fertilizer against being washed away by water.
• Sulfur coating reduces the possibility of burning the plant due to heavy application.
• Sulfur coating increases the activity of microbes in the soil.
• Coating increases the yield by at least 15%.
• Sulfur coating provides the sulfur needed by the plant.
• Sulfur coating increases the plant’s tolerance to water shortage.
• Sulfur coating with fungicidal properties prevents fungal diseases.
• Sulfur coating prevents the use of underground water and saves consumption.
• The element of sulfur as a pesticide agent and as a fertilizer can play a role economically in terms of raising the quality of the product, so by choosing the option of urea fertilizer with sulfur coating (S.C.U), two different fertilizers are actually used. .
The use of uncoated urea fertilizer causes the soil to harden and lack of water penetration and the fertility of the land decreases, while this problem is completely solved by using sulfur coated urea fertilizer (S.C.U.) due to the slow release of nitrogen in the water.
• Due to the use of sulfur in the S.C.U coating as a major part of the weight (Coating) and also having its disintegrating indicators in the composition of the elements, the sulfur element after performing the tasks in the S.C.U structure and completely transferring nitrogen to the plant, itself is like a substance. It is also nutritious. The pH regulator of the soil plays a role and strengthens the soil and obtains land.
• The efficiency of a bag of urea fertilizer with sulfur coating is equal to 2.5 bags of urea fertilizer without coating.

Rapid leaching of nitrogen by using urea fertilizer without internal coatings causes nitrates to enter underground and river waters and pollutes the environment, especially drinking water.
Nitrogen is washed, which eventually turns into nitrate, causing many diseases, including the death of children due to undiagnosed lungs. While in urea fertilizer with sulfur coating, with the gradual transfer and reduction of nitrogen to the plant and its complete absorption, this problem is completely possible and there is no wasted nitrogen.

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